Life with dooroos |
dooroos.Embedded > LICENSE AND WARRANTY |
License Options |
Is It open source?
The dooroos.Embedded is not the open source, but the most libraries running on dooroos.Embedded are opened. |
Can I use it in commercial application?
Yes, dooroos.Embedded can be used in commercial applications. |
Is it royalty free?
The dooroos.embedded core is not free to use. the other components has licence fee . The licesence fee is in the below table |
If I get the license for dooroos.Embedded, this license is available for all the product in our company?
The license is available for only one product.
So if you want use dooroos.Embedded for the other product, the dooroos.Embedded should be licensed again for that product. |
Do I have to open the source of my application code?
No, it's your responsibility. |
Can I change the kernel code?
No, the kernel sources of dooroos.Embedded is not opened. |
Can I receive support on a commercial basis?
Yes, but only under technical support contract. |
dooroos.Embedded License Fee Rule in Year 2014.
Product licenses are for customers who manufacture "end prodcuts"
based on a specified single MICROPROCESSOR, developed at a single specified LOCATION,
by up to 3 developers(SEATS), that are sold to end users(not developers or manufacturers),
either directly or through sales channels. Additional development LOCATIONs or developers SEATS
may be purchased for additional charges. Examples of such manufacturers are LG electronics(phone),
SAMSUNG electronics(printers and cameras), and Welch-Allyn(heart monitors).
Threre are 5 types of Product Licenses. |
LOCATION : a development facility, identified by city
SEATS : developers with right to use dooroos.embedded
For dooroos.embedded core : architecture and manufacturer of part
(eg. STMicro Cortex-M3-based parts)
For others : Secific part
(eg. STM32F270zg)
Licence fee per a copy or a year (2014)