Real-Time Operating System
Development tools
Services for superior Real-Time system design.

dooroos operating systems

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Life with dooroos

dooroos inside

dooroos.RealTime > NANO KERNEL

Nano-kernel of dooroos.RealTime is the most important part, responsible for very small and powerful features and the core of the kernel, is especially connected and works directly with the hardware (HAL layer) and is connected directly. It connects the kernel to the kernel, and passes the hardware interrupts, such as the trap to the driver or kernel. In addition, It provides the basic functionality to the various kernel server running on the top of the features of the nano-kernel.

  Multi-thread(task) kernel
dooroos.RealTime supports multi-thread(task).
Unlimited muilti-thread (task) support.
Fast context switch between threads
Configuration for real-time processing

  Real-time scheduling
dooroos.RealTime provides the perfect hard-real-time.
Support the fixed priority-based pre-emptive scheduling
Support the round-robin scheduling in the same priority
Support the wide priority range(0-255)

  Interrupt structure for real-time processing
For the minimum delay, dooroos.RealTime provides the best of the interrupt structure.
Convert hardware interrupt to the virtual interrupt.
Support the dual strucure for interrupt minimum delay (interrupt low latency)
Support the interrupt through the thread.
Support the control of the interrupt priority through driver thread

  Message management
dooroos.RealTime provides capabilities for communicating a message bus to the variety servers.
Support the quick message forwarding function
Support passing signal and interrupt through the message-passing
Support the port concept for sending and receiving messages
Support channel concepts for message sending and receiving server.
Modularization of the kernel features through the message bus

  Provides synchronization between threads
dooroos.RealTime provides the synchronization of threads.
Support the critical-section function

  Various API support
dooroos.RealTime provides the API for real-time function.
API support through system call
Real-time API support through the library call
Support the various library for kernel-servers.